Vermont Retired State Employees' Association, INC.


Our Mission Statement:

VRSEA is a membership organization whose purpose is to protect and enhance state retirees’ pension and health care benefits in retirement.

Statement of Purpose:

The Vermont Retired State Employees’ Association is a membership organization that seeks to positively influence the Legislature on behalf of our members, and to provide an important voice on matters of taxation, pension and health care benefits in retirement.  We represent all retired state employees and beneficiaries receiving pension and other retirement benefits from the state.  VRSEA is recognized in Vermont statute as the voice of retired state employees and provides a forum for retirees and beneficiaries to weigh in on matters of importance to them.



Welcome to our news flashes! Look on your right for the most recent and important news updates. Click below to view more detail on our news updates.



VRSEA Membership Flyer.pdf



 The Change Healthcare data breach is unrelated to any direct contracts through State of Vermont health plan medical and pharmaceutical vendors. Change Healthcare is a national provider of claims adjudication software and is utilized across the board by a significant number of healthcare providers, including pharmacies, hospitals and insurance plans. The notification that you may have received is a general notification that does originate from a specific benefit provided by the State. 

As plan administrators, the State has done their due diligence in identifying the risk to our employees and retirees. It is recommended that anyone that has received the notification from Change to follow the instructions on the form and contact them directly to help ensure that they are not at risk and help minimize their exposure going forward.


READ - Post of VTDigger article:

"Vermont House weighs ‘guardrails’ on state retirees’ health benefits"

March 2023 Newsletter: Click here

Fact Sheet information (all 3 Fact Sheets) can be found in the Newsletter section, as well as in the news postings available in this link.

Click on NEWS to see the details!!

Vermont Retired State Employees’ Association


Medicare DISadvantage Plan

  •  This proposal violates State retirees’ protections under Title 3, Section 479, of Vermont law.
  •  Medicare Advantage plans are funded with Federal subsidies that may not last.
  •  Medicare Advantage Plans have been proven to delay and deny services without cause, reduce provider networks, mislead beneficiaries, and have been charged with fraudulent behavior.   
  • The Administration’s proposal would cede control from the Benefits Division to CIGNA for delays and denials of service.
NEW Update: TO SEE THE KEY POINTS FOR OPPOSING the Medicare DISadvantage Proposal - click here


It is now more important than ever to have a solid organization like VRSEA watching out for your pension and health care benefits.  VRSEA is recognized in the Vermont statutes as the voice of retired state employees and beneficiaries.  We have been instrumental in sponsoring legislation to protect your benefits and our lobbyists are in the State House every year.

VRSEA keeps an eye on legislative activities that may affect retirees, and helps to get retirees’ messages to the legislature. We work with the VSEA to assure that activities of the union are consistent with the needs of retirees, and to ensure that benefits gained for active employees are provided to retirees if at all possible.

We hope that if you are not already a member you will give careful consideration to joining VRSEA.


We invite you to scan through this site. You will find an assortment of information and contacts important to retirees. We also encourage you to contact the VRSEA by either mail or e-mail if you need further information. We welcome your comments and suggestions to the Board of Trustees



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