Vermont Retired State Employees' Association, INC.

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Position on Proposed Healthcare Changes

17 Oct 2022 3:13 PM | Marc Metayer (Administrator)


The VRSEA Board of Trustees unanimously voted to


Unless you hear it from us, consider it a rumor. We plan to keep you informed & will have more details in our next newsletter —

Your Board is working with the State Dept of Human Resources and their consultant - who have proposed a change in your insurance plan - to understand in detail what this plan represents. Questions still remain. But this is what we know:

      Currently your bargained health care plan makes sure that all members - both employees and retirees - are treated equally through the State Employee’s Health Plan.

      VRSEA has expressed our concerns and the State understands that we oppose moving retirees from the legal protection of a collectively bargained health plan - to a separate “Medicare Advantage” Insurance plan.

      Currently, the State Benefits Office resolves any issues or concerns about your retiree health plan locally. The terms and conditions of your health plan has been collectively bargained - and the State has authority over how your benefits are administered. This proposed Medicare Advantage plan has CIGNA as that authority.

      The initial proposal by the state was for implementation 1/1/2023 but is now postponed.

      It is clear that the state is not ready for any implementation or plan to educate all retirees who would be affected by this proposed plan.

      Legislators are now asking about this proposal. VRSEA lobbyists are already working hard to monitor and stop any proposed legislation to take away your rights regarding your health care benefits - now and during the legislative session.

This is election season. We ask that you talk with your legislative representatives to express your concerns, hear how they would vote on issues regarding your retiree health care benefits, and VOTE for those who support your best interests!

Stay tuned.

NOTE: If you have already paid your VRSEA 2023 dues, please ignore the membership enrollment form coming in our next newsletter. You are already set for membership in 2023. We thank you for your ongoing support.

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